Monday, December 21, 2009

What makes people visit a blog? I am a member of serveral online loops. Sometimes I check on the blogs and the promos but I rarely leave a comment. How should someone aspiring to entice bloggers to read your blog and leave a comment? Do contests work? Does it help to have other authors become part of your blog? I'm really not too sure. I've studied a few and can never really decide what would be the best way to get people to particiate on my blog. I love to have readers leave comments. It is fun to have them turn up on my email and I always race to my blog to see what has been said. However, most of the time they are my friends and while I love that my fellow friends and authors leave comments I would truly like to hear from more people. And then, how does one know if they are successful of if the blog led to a sale of a book? Is all this just extra work?

Any one out there with comments? I'd love to hear from you.

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