Thursday, July 08, 2010

I'm so thrilled. For the first time in a very long time, I am into my characters head. They have a personality and I'm not pulling my hair out, trying to understand them. I've been writing, writing, writing and I just might be able to finish this story by the first of august. I have approximately 16 pages to go. And of all things, Casey has told Kelly they cannot see each other again.

So, will this come true? Those of us who love romance know they will see each other again. But what obstacles will they encounter on this journey. And will discovering that Conn, one of the pagan faeries, is somehow related to Casey O'Connell. Hmmm... this puts a new twist on all this and I would really like to know what it is.

Any suggestions out there in TV land...ooops blog land?

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