Sunday, September 16, 2012


The continuing saga of the bobble head babes...

When dealing with skunks NEVER BE COMPLACENT!!!

We have lived in the same house for almost twenty-four years. During that time skunks have come and skunks have gone. Early on we learned just how much skunks love cat food. This was an easy fix. Keep the garage door down and the cat food put away unless of course feeding the cats. And over the years we heeded this rule.

For various reasons we put a cat door into our garage. Unfortunately the skunks can get in and out that door too. And...the skunks found the cat food that had been left out and decided to claim the area under our shed as home. We hadn't had skunk issues for a long time. Sure, they would pass by once in a while, leaving their unmistakable calling card but they never stuck around.

On the cute side, Wednesday night I was sitting in my living room watching TV. I like to listen to the fountain in our pond just outside the door so I had the door open. It was dark but I heard the funniest sounds. The skunks were playing. At times I heard giggling, little burps, erps and eeps. I have two patio tomato plants on the front deck and they also like to play ball with the ripe tomatoes. Note to myself: have to get them picked before they get too ripe.

Who would have ever thought I would find playful skunks amusing. Needless to say, now that we have the garage door down, the cat door blocked at night and the cat food put away, I am not hearing my playful skunks.

MINDLESS AT THE GYM, I went Tuesday to run on the treadmill. I have my music and like to listen to it while running. This day I shut my locker, locked my lock and forgot my music. Easy fix, I tried to open the locker. I do believe that every locker combination I have ever had passed through my head. Of course I could not get it open. I walked upstairs to call my husband for the combo. 
No answer. Tried again. 
No answer. Tried again. 
No answer. Asked an employee if they had anything they could cut the lock off with. I would need my purse, car keys, cell etc...

Yes they did...
Told them I would workout first. 

I guess running is good for the mind. I did remember the combo.

My partner in crime, the other bobble head babe flew off to Hawaii Thursday. 
A little bit of paradise for her.

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