Welcome to my blog. I am a writer and avid reader of romances particularly historical romances. Please join me on my journey through time. Feel free to leave a comment
Monday, December 31, 2007
My second book in the Highland trilogy is a finalist in the Eppies. The third and last book, Highland Song, will be out in September of 2008. My writing always takes a back seat this time of year to work. But winter break provides extra time for me.
Yesterday, I left my hero and heroine frolicking in a loch. Now I had some reservations about swimming in a Scottish loch. But as I was in Scotland last summer, I know it is possible although chilly. No more chilly though than swimming in the Rogue or Crater Lake, both of which I have done in my life. I didn't want to give them hypothermia.
Best wishes to my readers for the new year.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Will the hero discover that she is true and pure of heart? Will he let his own barricades slip enough to see the love in her eyes? Oh, but if both lovers could erase their past, they might find happiness.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I'm still looking for entries in my weather contest. So, send me news of the weather in your part of the country. It's not riaining yet but there is a low fog.
Last night I left my hero trying to blow up a rock bridge so the mercenaries couldn't get across. I know there were explosives in the 18th century, I'm just not sure how he could do this. And I suppose it will have to stop raining bcause the powder will have to be dry. Or not?
Will the hero blow up the bridge or will the mercenaries get across? Stay tuned to the continuing saga of Highland Song.
Christine Young
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I'm hope I'll find out tomorrow. Since I write by the second flashing by and not by a very clearly plotted outline sometimes I don't know what is going to happen until it all plays out. I suspect the characters will take over and decide for me.
So, do your characters decide what is going to happen or do you?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Highland Song will be out in ebook in September 2008.
The next pressing issue for me and my family for the new year is good health. I've always been an exercise fanatic. Even walking the Portland marathon a year and a half ago. So I was surprised to discover my cholesterol was high. Now I'm looking for good cholesterol free recipes and even going as far as turning vegetarian. Any good vegie recipes out there to share?
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas to all.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas eve day 2007. What a wonderful and joyous time. Happy holiday to everyone.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
It's rainy here in Salem, Oregon. Not too cold but yesterday it was really nasty. I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you out there.
I plan on finishing a new book trailer. I've made one for both my Highland books. Now I'm working on one for Rebel Heart. A futuristic romance.
Look for Highland Magic an Eppie finalist at Amazon and at Awe-struck.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Thanks for entering the contest.
Christine Young
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Pick Pocket Dog
London 1801
Thousands of lamps lit the gardens in a vibrant blaze of radiance. A crash of music from the orchestra filled the air. Women paraded in elegant head-dresses of flowers and feathers and the entire place sparkled as did no other place Jocelyne had ever seen.
She looked at the crowds of people then at her trembling hands. “Oy don’t like this, Mr. Roguers, Oy don’t!” A shadow crossed a full moon and caused a shudder of fear to course down her spine. Chills swept through her.
Jocelyne’s hands were icy and stiff. Her hands were the tools of her trade. And they were useless. She flexed them twice in an effort to loosen them then covered her face with them. She couldn’t do this, not tonight—not when the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and she jumped at every little sound.
Nerves stripped raw, Jocelyne and her dog Rogue wandered through the crowds at Vauxhall and then strolled down a walkway called the Dark Walk. The gardens were beautiful this time of year, and she wished she had the time or the opportunity to enjoy the sights. This evening she had a job to do. Picking pockets was something increasingly distasteful. But the alternatives her mam presented her with were worse.
She kneeled beside her dog roughing his ears as she spoke to him. “Now, Mr. Roguers, we’ve got to get two more ‘andkerchiefs or the mam will box my ears, she will. And then she’ll do wot she threatened this morn. You know wot to do.”
Jocelyn glanced up for just a moment. A man with the eyes the color of warm honey looked down at her. She swallowed hard, and her blood raced as if someone had lit an inferno inside her. For as long as she lived Jocelyne would never forget the sudden leap her heart gave the instant her eyes fell upon this man’s hard, handsome face. He wasn’t the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. The lines of his face were too defined and too inflexible to be beautiful. But there was something so imposing, so arresting, about his lean planed face, the high cheekbones and unyielding jaw that Jocelyne was conscious of a shiver of excitement slithering down her spine. She’d never felt such a thing and it was far different than the chills of fear that usually coursed through her. Quickly she looked away, hiding her face and biting her lower lip. She didn’t look up until she was sure the man would be miles away. She didn’t need for him to remember her face or her dog.
Jocelyn wiped her icy yet sweaty palms on her britches and inhaled a deep breath. “Go on Rougers. Oy’ll wait for you in the usual place.”
The dog set out, his little tailed curled behind him prancing through the crowds as if he didn’t have a nefarious scheme on his mind. Jocelyn set out in a different direction. Looking over her shoulder, her uneasiness grew. The little hairs on the back of her neck standing on end, she sensed the danger. If she could have turned around and raced home this night, she would have. But the ultimatum she’d been given that morning when she left the shabby little room where she lived rang inside her head. Her brothers, Mick and Jon, warned her. She was out growing her disguise. If she didn’t want to be someone’s flash-girl she was going to have to get out of the business.
But there was no way out for her.
Despite her brothers’ wishes, she would end up in a flash-house prostituting herself. She didn’t like stealing, and she knew she wouldn’t like the direction her life was going. With each passing day, she was more conscious of the distasteful foulness around her. She was increasingly knowledgeable of the dreadful youth of some of the whores and harlots she had formerly ignored. And she was far more cognizant of what an appalling destiny waited for her. She inhaled again, clenching her fists and resigning herself to make the best of the situation at hand. The future certainly looked bleak for Jocelyne. One moment at a time was all she had.
Without conscience thought, she moved through the crowds accessing each man and knowing that if she wasn’t perfect as soon as her nimble fingers reached inside a pocket, the man would give chase. She bumped against a red-faced portly man who wheezed while he tried to saunter down the lane. She closed her eyes, and inhaled a deep, steadying breath.
“Bloody hell, watch yourself,” he called out to her as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his brow then stuffed it in a pocket inside his lapel. “It’s incorrigible scamps like you—“
“Oy, always watch myself.” She muttered, interrupting him and moved on eyeing each man and lady. She’d once tried to steal one of those little silk purses that the ladies let dangle from their wrists and was rewarded with a slap on her head with a parasol.
She didn’t look for Rogue. She knew where she’d find him when all was finished tonight. Fireworks lit the sky. All eyes turned upward. She heard the collective sighs and exclamations at the sight.
At that moment Jocelyn found her mark. Her heart leapt with anticipation and fear before she stumbled and fell against a stout older man. It was done with grace and skill. The nimble fingers she slipped inside a pocket was done with precision. With two fingers she deftly pulled out a silk handkerchief, a fat money-clip, and a small pendant which instantly found there way into the pockets of her own coat. Jocelyn was almost on the point of congratulating herself when she heard a harsh voice call out.
“What the devil? The damn dog picked my pocket!” The voice rang out from quite a distance away. She couldn’t help herself, she looked up. Of all men to pick, Rogue had picked the man with the honey brown eyes.
Terror sweeping inside and completely aware of her danger Jocelyn tried to regain her emotional balance. Donning the disguise she’d learned early in life, she grinned saucily in the direction of her pigeon and said “Wot you think the commotion is?”
“I don’t think so,” said a cold voice as another gentleman called for the watch. “Hand over my money clip.”
Danger had always dodged Jocelyn’s steps but this predicament eclipsed anything she’d ever encountered before. Her blood ran cold when a few of the dandies her pidgeon had been standing with formed a circle around them. Reminding herself not to panic and to remain calm no matter how bad it seemed, Jocelyne glanced quickly around to see if Rogue had gotten away. And then she looked for Mick and Jon.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the pair lounging against a curricle. Once they saw her, they would come to her rescue. But neither one of them were looking in her direction. Jocelyne’s heart sank.
The shouts down the lane had given away to the sound of thundering feet as the man with the honey brown eyes and his companions chased after her dog. A huge flash of light from the sky sent the men’s attention upward. The fireworks had begun again. She took that moment of confusion to slip away from the circle. She only needed a short distance and within a second she had running room.
Jocelyn darted through the crowds, her feet as agile and as quick as her fingers. She dodged left then right, slipping between the men and women in front of her then blending into the shadows. She found herself in a part of the gardens she had never been before. A man-made cave gave her a place to hide. Slipping into the natural shadows, she held her breath and waited for the fervor to settle down.
The unexpected appearance of her little dog with a handkerchief hanging from his mouth left her with another surge of uneasiness. For a tense, long moment he stood at the mouth of the little cave. Too late, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him inside.
Suddenly, an iron-fingered hand clamped around her wrist. Before she could utter an exclamation of protest, she found herself hauled from her hiding place. Rouge danced circles around her assailant ramming his pointy little nose at his thighs and barking. The noise brought more spectators.
Her heart pounding madly, Jocelyne made a bold try to brazen her way out of the disastrous situation that had been her nightmare for so long. “Blimey, mister! Oy don’t know wot you’re thinkin’ grabin me like this! Oy ain’t done nothin’ to you.”“Really, I think you know exactly ‘wot’ I’m thinking! Now hand over your dog’s thievery!”
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Win an ebook/your choice of one of the Highland books: Highland Honor or Highland Magic or you can pick Rebel Heart, a science fiction.
All you have to do is identify 10 famous Scottish people from the clues. To win be the first person to identify all 10 Scottish people or by October 4th the person who has the most correct answers will be the winner. If there is a tie the winner will be chosen in a random drawing.
1. Sang title song and acted in "To Sir With Love" (1966). Born in Glaswcow.
2. Author who is best known for the creation of the book Peter Pan.
3. Discovered more than 200 plant species including common northwest tree. Died from injuries received haven fallen from into wild bull pit in Hawaii. Born in Scone.
4. Last Roman Catholic monarch of Scotland. Was excecuted for treason.
5. A Scotsman who is the patron saint of Ireland is said to have been born in Kirkpatrick near the river Clyde.
6. Crowned King of Scotland in 1306. Defeated the English King Edward II in 1314 at Bannockburn.
7. Pop singer who is known for the theme for the James Bond film "For Your Eyes Only" and the top 10 hit "9 to 5". Born in Bellshiell.
8. Infamous pirate and privateer who fought as a privateer to protect Anglo-American trade routes in the West Indies. In 1691 was rewarded by New York City. Born in Greenock, Renfrewshire.
9. Author whose works included "Kidnapped" and "Treasure Island".
10. Born in Dumfriesshire. He joined the navy and spent time in Russia and France during the French Revolution. Most notably he established the U.S. Navy.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Rebel Heart
Christine Young
Awe-Struck E-books
ISBN: 978-1-587496-12-7
Fiction, Science Fiction Romance
Reviewed by Jasmina Vallombrosa
TCM Reviews
After Nessa and Tori DeMontville are exiled for their childish disobedience, their father thinks that in time they will grow to understand the dangers of the outside world. While Nessa seems to be on the right course, Tori continues to live life as she wants to. On a chance outing she comes across the infuriatingly sexy Cameron Savage. While she thinks of him as a lowly Thieftaker, she can not stop her heart from beating faster than it has ever done before. Life only becomes more complicated for her as the evil Morray comes into her world in the pursuit for not only her hard-earned research, but also for her hand in marriage. In the midst of the chaos that ensures around her for the battle of her research lab, her path crosses that of the Phantom. As they team up to save their world as they know it, the sexual tensions between them create sparks and with Cameron Savage returning to be her husband, one can only wonder about the possibilities.Filled with drama and suspense, this book will draw you into the mysteries of science fiction. I was pleasantly surprised by Ms. Young’s storytelling talents as she wove not only a wonderful futuristic adventure, but also that of a passionate love story. I loved the main characters as they came to life on the pages. The plot was quite suspenseful and deliciously entertaining. As a result, I had no choice but to keep flipping the pages as I raced to the end. Bravo Ms.Young for such an extraordinary book from cover to cover!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I really appreciate those of you who have supported me and enjoy my books.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Coming June 2007