Sunday, November 10, 2013

Christine Presents: Bobble Head Babes

 And the continuing Saga...

Finally sleeping through the night and not waking at two in the morning ready to start my day. Jet lag's a bitch. I've been working on edits for Highland Sunrise due to be published on December 20th by Rogue Phoenix Press. This is cutting it way too close. This one still has to go to the proofreader then back to me for galleys. I've changed it, added three chapters to the beginning when I thought I was finished. This read through is proving pretty clean though. I should finish these edits tomorrow. Woo hoo!

This one is the fourth book in the Twelve Dancing Princess series. I love the cover and the story of Ryder MacLaren and Christel McCllelan. Aiden appears in the book and she has always been a favorite.

In Greece for my birthday and my son's birthday, we celebrated our special days on Wednesday at his home. It was lots of fun. I got to play with my grandson a little and with my two granddaughters. It's always special when the two girls get to visit. All they want to do is play and they hate having to go home.

Went shopping for birthday presents yesterday for my soon to be four year old granddaughter and came home with Keurig. Love it, not sure if I'm spelling it correctly and I'm just to lazy to get up, walk into the kitchen and check. Oh, we did buy birthday presents too.

My walking partner gets back from Cabo tonight. If it doesn't rain too much tomorrow we'll go for a four to five mile walk. Hope we get a window of time, but in this valley one can't rely on sunshine.

How has your week been? Leave a comment and you will be entered to win the November prize of a  gift card.

Missing Greece... and wondering if I'll ever get back there.

Oia just before sunset

I bought an oil painting that resembles this picture. Just beautiful.

1 comment:

Rosemary Indra said...

Highland Sunrise sounds interesting can't wait to read it.